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The Cost of Allostasis: Understanding Allostatic Load
Stress Hormones and Energy Depletion
When the body is under chronic stress, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is continuously activated, leading to elevated cortisol and adrenaline levels. These hormones, while essential in short-term stress responses, can become detrimental when persistently elevated. Chronic cortisol elevation promotes muscle protein breakdown for gluconeogenesis (to produce glucose), leading to muscle fatigue and reduced endurance. Chronic stress also depletes glycogen stores more rapidly during exercise. In high-stress situations, the body shifts to a more catabolic state, where muscle glycogen is used up more quickly, shortening the time until exhaustion during physical exertion.
Impaired Recovery and Reduced Resilience
Allostatic load, which refers to the wear and tear on the body due to chronic stress, impairs recovery mechanisms. High allostatic load suppresses anabolic processes like muscle repair, which are necessary for recovery after exercise. Reduced recovery capacity leads to quicker onset of fatigue during subsequent efforts because muscles are not fully restored.This impaired recovery also manifests as reduced resilience to physical stress. For instance, repeated high-intensity efforts are more challenging to maintain, as the body becomes less efficient at restoring energy reserves and repairing tissue under chronic stress conditions.
Autonomic Nervous System Dysregulation
Chronic stress affects the balance of the autonomic nervous system (ANS),specifically the parasympathetic nervous system (responsible for rest and recovery)and the sympathetic nervous system (responsible for the “fight or flight” response).

Under chronic stress, the sympathetic nervous system dominates, leading toelevated heart rate, higher blood pressure, and increased energy expenditure evenat rest.This sympathetic overdrive reduces heart rate variability (HRV), a key indicator ofhow well the body can adapt to physical and mental stress.

Lower HRV has beenshown to correlate with reduced performance and endurance because the body is ina constant state of readiness, expending more energy than necessary andincreasing the likelihood of earlier fatigue.
Muscle Fatigue and Metabolic Changes
Stress-induced hormonal changes, particularly chronic elevations in cortisol, contribute to the breakdown of muscle tissue (proteolysis) and an increase in circulating free fatty acids.

While free fatty acids are a valuable energy source, the shift away from glycogen stores under stress conditions can impair the efficiency of energy production, particularly in high-intensity activities where glucose is the preferred substrate.

As a result, individuals under chronic stress may experience muscle fatigue more rapidly, leading to an earlier onset of exhaustion during both aerobic and anaerobica ctivities. This is supported by research showing that individuals with higher perceived stress levels exhibit reduced endurance and performance in physical tasks.
Cognitive Fatigue and Perception of Effort
Beyond the physical aspects, chronic stress also affects cognitive performance and the perception of effort. Under conditions of high allostatic load, individuals often perceive exertion as more difficult than it actually is. This “central fatigue” refers to the brain’s inability to push through physical discomfort, leading to a greaterlikelihood of stopping exercise prematurely, even if the muscles themselves are notyet fully fatigued. Cognitive fatigue, caused by chronic stress, can also reduce motivation and mentaltoughness, both of which are crucial for sustaining prolonged physical effort.
Inflammatory Response and Exhaustion
Chronic stress contributes to a pro-inflammatory state in the body. Inflammation notonly exacerbates muscle soreness and joint pain but also reduces overall staminaand endurance by increasing oxidative stress. Oxidative stress damages cells andtissues, which in turn reduces muscle efficiency and accelerates fatigue duringexercise.Inflammation also affects the central nervous system, contributing to feelings offatigue and lethargy, further reducing an individual’s ability to maintain performanceover time. You can find out your allostatic load via our short questionnaire below.